Common Financial and Accounting Ratios & Formulas
Accounting ratios are among the most popular and widely used tools of financial analysis because if properly analyzed, they help us identify areas that require further analysis on financial statements of corporations. A ratio can help us uncover conditions and trends that are difficult to find by inspecting individual components making up the ratio. For instance, knowing how much cash a company has in the bank might be a little useful, but working out a ratio to determine how much cash a company has, versus how much short term debt it has coming up is a lot more useful. Accounting ratios help us do just that. In fact, accountants admit that interpreting financial data is the most challenging aspect of ratio analysis. First of all, what is a ratio? A ratio is a mathematical relation between two quantities expressed as a percentage, a rate or proportion. For example a ratio can derive the answer $900 or can be expressed a 100% or 9:1 or just “9” In this tutorial, we will go over 4 major categories of accounting ratios that are known as the 4 building blocks of financial statement analysis. They are i) liquidity & efficiency ratios ii) solvency ratios iii) profitability ratios and iv)market value ratios. i) Short Term Solvency or Liquidity Ratios
ii) Long Term Solvency or Financial Leverage Ratios
iii) Asset use or turnover ratios
iv) Profitability Ratios
v) Market Value Ratios
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